Music; Poetry of Air

Yesterday I was enjoying music on my I-Pod and a question gushed into my mind. Is music conditioned into our mind or is it genuinely felt? Certain kind of music appears to create a pleasant ambiance where another kind creates a tragic ambiance. My question is, it really synchronized with our emotions or it is a psychological conditioning that makes us to differentiate the two.

Music, widely, varies according to countries. Every country has own line of definition which separates music and noise.  Every country inherits a certain kind of music which epitomize the culture and tradition of country. From centuries, different kind of music is used for different purposes, like there was different kind of music to fill the soldier’s with passion and excitement, before going to war; there was different type of music for kings to enjoy the passionate and salacious dance. Even today, music has changed much but at the fundamental, the element which differentiates the two types, exists.

One thing is evident, in spite of difference in the music; music is beyond country or any boundary. Music is appreciated irrespective of any language.  Music is universal and a great equalizer in terms of taste and interest. When Beethoven (during deafness period) was creating music, he used to sense the vibration through a rod into his mouth. During his period of complete deafness,  he has created the most beautiful music. This reflects that music is more than a sound, we hear. It is vibration that resonates with our inner being and fills us with ecstasy and tranquillity.  Someone has truly said,”
Music is the poetry of the air.”

No doubt, the evolution of music is effected by the dialect, we use. It gives a shape, a body to the music. But the soul of the music is same in every country. There are some patterns in music which synchronizes with our mind and stimulate our emotions as per the type of music. I really feel music as a gift to human by nature.
Just remember, the moment, when you had got  bad grades and how you forgot everything when your legs danced in the rhythm of music. Just remember! How a sweet and loving vibration flew and converged to your heart when you were hearing your favourite romantic songs.
We owe our life to music. Someone has truly said,

Music speaks what cannot be expressed,
Soothes the mind and gives it rest,
Heals the heart and makes it whole,
Flows from heaven to the soul.”


anushree said…
i realy liked the beethoven example quoted by you...nice work dude!
Bharathi said…
Actually I wondered how well music influences mind. I have a collection of CDs segregated based on mood. On few occasions my mind follows the music like a mesmerized child. I dont know why this happens. Till now I feel the influence that music have with our mind is a mystery.

thanks a lot... :)
I was also amazed after knowing about Beethoven...

@ Bharathi..
thanks a lot.. :)
truly, it is mystery how music effects our mind. But somehow I come to believe that music is not just a conditioning, but has a profound connection with our consciousness.
I have heard that some scientist has experimented the effects of music on plants and incredibly found that music considerably effected the growth of plants....

Unknown said…
lol..nice post...

to be true..I haven't made such deep analysis on music. Its not like I don't like music... I love it... It actually depends on our mood...

Some slow melodious songs are good to hear and feel when we are alone... But you cannot feel the same when you are with a group of friends....

we can enjoy a fast rocking song when we are with our group of friends... and we cannot feel the pace of it while we are alone....

So it depends on mood and situation....
@ Shankar...
Thanks a lot... :)
It's wonderful, how our mood is so much synchronized with the type of music. It really reflects some great mystery associated with music to our life.

- Sugar Cube - said…
You know what I was thinking about 'music' too just when I was enjoying listening to my fav tracks.
It really is beyond countries or boundaries.
music is probably the ONLY thing that unites individuals no matter where they come from.

There are some patterns in music which synchronizes with our mind and stimulate our emotions as per the type of music
Bingo! So very true!

I love the quote.

Great post.Very well written
Thanks a lot :)

This is a reason, in spite of being agnostic, I have faith in Sankrit 'Mantras' written in scriptures.... like 'Gayatri Mantra'....I feel, there is some patterns in the mantras too, that have a healing effect.....

Music unites everyone irrespective of religion,race or country

Just take KING OF POP ,his death was mourned by more than half of the world ,has anybody been mourned like this ever in human history ???
Thanks Sathish.. :)

very true.. with a gr8 example....

Anonymous said…
hey, really a vivid description of music. Frankly speaking,i never thought of it in so deeply. And thanks for sharing such beautiful examples..
thanks Rashmi ..

Glad that u liked it...


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